Democrat Darcy Burner’s Congressional Bid Highlighted in Today’s New York Times.

Darcy Burner, who is running to replace a first term Republican in Congress, today was highlighted as part of a front page story in the NY Times. The story noted that her race was one of 12 or so races critical to Democrats this year.

Democratic hopes of retaking the House, party strategists say, could hinge on places like Bellevue, a city of 107,000 just across Lake Washington from Seattle. Here, a fast-growing Asian population and an influx of empty-nesters and singles living in new residential complexes have helped to make this the kind of district that, while continuing to send a Republican to Congress, has turned increasingly Democratic.

While several other races were discussed, only Darcy Burner and her opponent incumbent first term Congressman Dave Reichert had their pictures in the paper. This race is in the news right now because today George Bush is taking time out of “his busy schedule working for the people” to go to a private fundraiser in Medina, a rich enclave near Bellevue, Washington. It is not an official Presidential function of the President to enrich members of his own party, so I assume that he is paying his own plane fare and for any extra security.

Misleading information has been placed in the media indicating that the President’s visit was only going to cost Medina an extra $1000. The reason was because of an interlocal agreement that brought other police in from other areas for events like this. The problem with such partial reporting is that the other policemen are still going to have to be paid. I’m sure they’re not using sick time or vacation time to do this extra work. So the taxpayers in the region will pay for what is a private partisan fundraiser for Republican Dave Reichert, since it has been written that Bush will only be here for 4 to 6 hours and will make no public appearances.

The article in the New York Times was written by Tim Eagan, who is the husband of Joni Balter who is on the editorial board of the Seattle Times. That is why the dateline for the article is Bellevue, Washington.

Titled “o6 Race Focuses on the Suburbs, Inner and Outer”, the article discusses the changing dynamics of the surburbs and exurbs.Of 10 suburban races that Eagan compares, Dave Reichert’s margin of victory in 2004 was the second smallest, only 5%. Kerry won the district with 51% of the vote.

Darcy Burner is running a strong race and has been a favorite among local bloggers in Washington state. She has also been on DailyKos, a national blog and was a featured story yesterday. She wrote a post entitled , “Karl Rove is sending Bush to WA 8 to fight me

Burner has also issued a challenge to her supporters to raise $75,000 in 10 days from the grassroots to oppose Bush’s help for Reichert. In the first day she raised almost $22,000. You can go to Burner’s website to contribute online.

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