Cathy McMorris Wake Up Call!

“It a tougher race than I first thought.” said Republican Congresswoman Cathy McMorris (WA-5) to Republican Senator Larry Craig of Idaho. These comments and others were overheard by The Spokesman Review political reporter, Jim Camden, when he called into a town meeting teleconference and was put on mute, not hold like others calling in were.

Damn right! The Republicans have been taking her opponent, Democrat Peter Goldmark for granted, and that’s fine with me. They have been taking too many things for granted and their arrogance and elitism is boomeranging back on them.

McMorris was asking Craig for help in defending McMorris’s vote for budget cuts for veteran’s programs. It was obvious that Goldmark’s criticism of McMorris was resonating with voters. Maybe she should also ask for help in trying to defend tax cuts for millionaires while trying to close veteran’s health facilities.

Republicans have sent American soldiers over to Iraq, where many have died and many more have been maimed and wounded seriously. How pathetic and hypocritical for Republicans to say “Support our Troops” while cutting services they need back home. It’s not enough to ask them to fight for a war that was based on lies, they don’t even have the decency to help those needing help when they return to our country.

It’s time for a change. If you want to help boot McMorris out of Congress, you can give a contribution to support Peter Goldmark by clicking on this link to “ActBlue” He can use your help now to get his campaign message out.

You can go to Peter Goldmark’s campaign website to hear more about the campaign including an excellent collection of audio and video media including his recent debate with McMorris as well as read about Goldmark’s positions on issues He has posted issue statements on agriculture, economy, jobs, Iraq, veterans, ethics, energy, education, healthcare and seniors.

The Goldmark campaign has become one of the top Democratic Congressional campaigns in the country because of his aggressive efforts on meeting voters and giving straight talk on the issues. Your help now can help to send a real representative of the people back to Washington, D.C.

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