Tag Archives: Congressional race

Republican Hit Piece Coming Against Democrat Darcy Burner!

No sooner does Joel Connelly in the Seattle PI note that the Republicans are out to rip their opponents than more proof appears. Independent expenditure reports tabulated at www.PoliticalMoneyLine.org note that The National Republican Congressional Committee on Friday reported $25,587 in mailings “in opposition to Darcy Burner for Congress.”

Darcy Burner is running to toss out first term incumbent Dave Reichert in the 8th Congressional District in Washington State. Just like Joel said, Don’t they have something positive to say about their candidate? This is not an expenditure to supprt Dave Reichert for Congress. I could find no other recent expenditure by them supporting Reichert.

Republicans in the House are against the wall this year, with voters waking up to the fact that Republicans have been working to help their special interest moneyed backers, not middle class and lower class working people in America. Cutting student loans, refusing to raise the minimum wage and turning back years of health and environmental protections speak volumes to what another two years of unchecked control of Congress by Republicans means for our future and our children’s future.

Darcy Burner is not alone in being hit with upcoming negative ads. As Daily Kos reports she is part of a $2 million buy of negative ads.

Darcy Burner represents a new and independent voice and deserves our support. You can help to counter negative Republican hit pieces that don’t speak to the issues we really face in this country by sending her a contribution today. President Bush and Karl Rove have both come to Washington State to raise closed door contributions to keep Reichert alive.

While donations to Burner have exceeded Reidhert’s the last three quarters according to FEC reports, independent contributions from 527’s and other can quickly alter this advantage.

You can make a contribution today by clicking on the Majority Rules Act Blue Contribution page. Help keep Darcy out front.

Expect that as November gets closer the National Congressional Republican Committee will send out other mailings. On August 20, 2006 it was reported by www.PoliticalMoneyLine.org
that they had some $43,622,106 to spend around the country.