Tag Archives: Green Party

Rip Van Winkle Green Candidate Dixon Wants to Run for What?

Incredible! The Washington State Green Party candidate Aaron Dixon who recently declared he is running against Washington State Senator Maria Cantwell is really Rip Van Winkle. He has been asleep since 1998.

Talk about name familiarity on the ballot – Aaron “Rip Van Winkle” Dixon. Sure out does the Republican candidate Mike Mc????.

As first reported on Horsesass.org yesterday Dixon hasn’t voted in Washington state since 1998. But hey, there’s a plus, he can’t be blamed for voting for Ralph Nader. Neil Modie today in the Seattle PI also followed up to confirm that Dixon is a non-voter.  See “Green Party Senate Hopeful not a Voter”

In a new blog today, Horsesass.org points out that isn’t his only problem. Some sleuthing on public records by Republican Richard Pope points out a number of other problems Dixon has.

Aaron Dixon has seriously further eroded the Green Party’s credibility. And the Green Party is just as responsible. Reminds me of McGovern’s run for President and his choice of Thomas Eagleton for Vice-President. Seems no one really checked on Dixon’s skeletons in his closet either. They were just happy to have someone run.

Dixon should withdraw from the race and the Greens should withdraw their support for him.

We need to encourage people to participate in the process of democracy and should appreciate Aaron Dixon’s courage to run. It is not an easy task. But he also needed to be realistic, both in his chances of winning and in the reality of his personal life.

To criticize Senator Maria Cantwell for her record representing Washington State in the US Senate while at the same never having voted in the Washington State race in the first place that she fought and won over Slade Gorton is the height of hypocrisy. It means he also didn’t vote against George W Bush. He was missing in action sleeping.

Maybe Dixon can start his rehabilitation by voting in future elections. Right now he has no credibility. If he can’t vote in local and Washington State elections or national elections like for President, how could one ever trust that he would vote in Washington D.C.?