Tag Archives: Senate Rules

Why aren’t Senators Cantwell and Murray Co- Sponsors of the Resolution to Change Filibuster Rules?

by Steve Zemke

Good question. Why aren’t Washington State Senators Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray co-sponsors of Senate Resolution 10 introduced earlier this month. The filibuster has been used effectively by Republicans to stop legislation the Democrats supported. Then the Republicans turned around and blamed the Democrats for not addressing critical issues facing America. It’s past time to change the rules to allow the Senate to do the people’s business. Let’s do it now.

Senate Resolution 10 – A resolution to improve the debate and consideration of legislative matters and nominations in the Senate was introduced Jan 5, 2011 by Senator Tom Udall and has 24 other co-sponsors. Washington States two Senators are not among the sponsors.

The other Senators besides Tom Udall supporting Senate Resolution 10 are:

Mark Begich [D-AK]
Richard Blumenthal [D-CT]
Barbara Boxer [D-CA]
Sherrod Brown [D-OH]
Benjamin Cardin [D-MD]
Robert Casey [D-PA] Chris Coons [D-DE]
Richard Durbin [D-IL]
Al Franken [D-MN]
Kirsten Gillibrand [D-NY]
Kay Hagan [D-NC]
Thomas Harkin [D-IA] Amy Klobuchar [D-MN]
Frank Lautenberg [D-NJ]
Joe Manchin [D-WV]
Jeff Merkley [D-OR]
Amy Klobuchar [D-MN]
Frank Lautenberg [D-NJ]
Joe Manchin [D-WV]
Jeff Merkley [D-OR]
Barbara Mikulski [D-MD]
John Rockefeller [D-WV] Jeanne Shaheen [D-NH]
Debbie Ann Stabenow [D-MI]
Jon Tester [D-MT]
Mark Udall [D-CO]
Mark Warner [D-VA]
Sheldon Whitehouse [D-RI]

A post on Daily Kos gives more details on what Senate Resolution 10 would do in changing the rules of how the US Senate operates. Every two years the US Senate has the opportunity to change their rules at the beginning of their current session.

Clear Path to Debate: Eliminate the Filibuster on Motions to Proceed

Makes motions to proceed not subject to a filibuster, but provides for two hours of debate. This proposal has had bipartisan support for decades and is often mentioned as a way to end the abuse of holds.

Eliminates Secret Holds

Prohibits one Senator from objecting on behalf of another, unless he or she discloses the name of the senator with the objection. This is a simple solution to address a longstanding problem.

Right to Amend: Guarantees Consideration of Amendments for both Majority and Minority

Protects the rights of the minority to offer amendments following cloture filing, provided the amendments are germane and have been filed in a timely manner.

This provision addresses comments of Republicans at last year’s Rules Committee hearings. Each time Democrats raised concerns about filibusters on motions to proceed, Republicans responded that it was their only recourse because the Majority Leader fills the amendment tree and prevents them from offering amendments. Our resolution provides a simple solution – it guarantees the minority the right to offer germane amendments.

Talking Filibuster: Ensures Real Debate

Following a failed cloture vote, Senators opposed to proceeding to final passage will be required to continue debate as long as the subject of the cloture vote or an amendment, motion, point of order, or other related matter is the pending business.

Expedite Nominations: Reduce Post-Cloture Time

Provides for two hours of post-cloture debate time for nominees.

Post cloture time is meant for debating and voting on amendments — something that is not possible on nominations. Instead, the minority now requires the Senate use this time simply to prevent it from moving on to other business.

Washington voters should contact Senator Maria Cantwell and Senator Patty Murray and urge them to support Resolution 10 now!

Send an  email to Senator Patty Murray

Send an email to Senator Maria Cantwell