Hillary Clinton Wins in New Hampshire Despite Polls to the Contrary

Hillary Clinton has continued the family tradition of the comeback kid – beating Barrack Obama in the New Hampshire Primary tonight. With 85% of the vote tallied, Hillary Clinton has a lead of 39% (94,999 votes) to Barrack Obama’s 37% (88,903 votes). Clinton has been declared the winner. source NY Times.

MSNBC reports that with 88% of the vote counted, Clinton has 99,590 votes (39%) to Obama’s 92,749 votes (36%).

CBS NEWS reports that with 268 of 301 precincts the following:

Hillary Clinton 99,863 (39%)
Barrack Obama 93,033 (37%)
John Edwards 43,100 (17%)
Bill Richardson 11,656 (5%)

Reaction in the media after many of them wrote her off and she trailed by as much as 10% in the polls is interesting.

NY Times “Clinton Stuns Obama

Seattle Times “Clinton, McCain Pull off Upsets in New Hampshire

Seattle PI “Clinton and McCain pull off upsets in NH

NPR “Clinton Surprises Obama in Tight Democratic Race

PBS “Clinton’s New Hampshire Win Defies Predictions, McCain Makes Comeback

Next up is the Democrats are :

January 15, 2008 Michigan Primary

January 19, 2008 Nevada Caucus

Jan 26, 2008 South Carolina Primary

January 29, 2008 Florida Primary

All this leads up to Super Tuesday when some 1688 delegates will be selected. Seventeen primaries will be held: Alabama, American Samoa, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Democrats Abroad, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Texas, and Utah. Seven states will hold caucuses: Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Minnesota, New Mexico, and North Dakota.

If the candidates thought Iowa and New Hampshire were hectic, they and the public are in for a wild ride. What has happened so far is a small prelude to Super Tuesday Feb 5, 2008.

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