Tag Archives: Will Hall

Rod Dembowski Appointed to Fill Vacant King County Council Seat

Rod at Campaign Event 2/10/2013

Rod Dembowki was selected today by the King County Council to fill the vacant seat left with the election last November of King County Council member Bob Ferguson to be Washington State’s Attorney General. Rod’s appointment is to fill the vacancy for the remainder of 2013.  The King County Council District 1 seat will be on the November 2013 ballot. Rod plans to run for election to the seat.

The King County Council voted 8 to 0 to appoint Rod. While a number of candidates vied for the appointment, the final vote was taken among the 3 candidates whose names were forwarded to the King County Council by King County Executive Dow Constantine.  The other two candidates considered for the final vote were Will Hall – a Shoreline City Council member  and 32nd LD State Representative Cindy Ryu.

Rod posted  the following statement on his website after the appointment:

“I am thankful to the King County Council for their faith in my ability to join them as a colleague in public service,” said Rod.  “I am so grateful to the many endorsers and organizations that supported me in the appointment process, especially the many state representatives, mayors, and city council members.  I look forward to working with them as we develop regional plans to benefit all of King County.  I am especially grateful to Bernie Talmas, Mayor of Woodinville and Chair of the Eastside Transportation Partnership and Denis Law, Mayor of Renton and President of the Sound Cities Association, for their unwavering commitment to my appointment.”

Rod thanked the other two finalists, State Representative Cindy Ryu and Shoreline City Councilmember Will Hall for their public service.  “I look forward to working with Representative Ryu in the legislature on behalf of the citizens of King County and I hope to work with Councilmember Hall as we develop regional plans that benefit our suburban cities,” said Rod.

“I am honored to have been given the opportunity to work on behalf of the residents of District 1 and all of King County,” said Rod.  Getting right to work, Rod will attend the Kenmore and Shoreline city council meetings this evening.

Attorney General Bob Ferguson at Rod Dembowki Campaign Event 2/10/2013

Rod also announced the endorsement of Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson for his election to the seat in November. You can visit Rod Dembowski’s  website  to endorse him or make a contribution to his campaign.  Dembowski has  raised $67,361 from 236 contributions for his campaign according to the most recent records filed through January with the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission.

Supporters listening to Rod at Campaign Event 2/10/2013

Dembowski, Hall and Ryu Make Final Cut for Vacant King County Council Seat

The names of Rod Dembowski, Will Hall and  Cindy Ryu have been sent by King County Executive Dow Constantine to the King County Council as the finalists to fill the vacant King County Council seat in District 1.  The seat became vacant when voters in November elected King County Council member Bob Ferguson to be Washington State’s Attorney General.

As noted in today’s Seattle Times, the King County Council has 60 days in which to select one of the three to fill out the remainder of Ferguson’s term.  The 8  King County Council members still on the Council have 60 days to make their choice.  These 8 members, while elected as nonpartisan members of the Council are split 4 Democrats and 4 Republicans. The 3 finalists for the seat are all identified as Democrats. If the split Council can not make a decision, the decision will be be made by Governor Jay Inslee.

Whoever is selected will have to run for election in this year’s August Primary and if one of the top two in that Primary also run in the General Election in November. While all three say they will run for election, this might change after one of them is selected to fill the vacancy.  It is also possible and likely that others will  run in this year’s election, to challenge whoever is selected.

Of the three candidates being considered Rod Dembowski has raised some $63,936 from 222 contributions to run for election. Cindy Ryu has raised some $31,710 from 62 contributions.  Will Hall has raised $1050  from 4 donors and loaned his campaign $2000.  Cindy Ryu, as an incumbent state Legislator from the 32nd LD, is not able to raise additional funds until after the State legislative session adjourns. The regular session this year goes for 5 months and has just started. Clearly if Rod Dembowski  continues to raise money at the rate he has so far, he will have a strong financial advantage in any election later this year.

Here are the links to their websites:

Rod Dembowski

Will Hall

Cindy Ryu