Tag Archives: No on Initiative 1033

Washington State Democrats Oppose Initiative 1033 and Support Referendum 71

Last weekend the Washington State Democratic Central Committee had a quarterly meeting in Walla Walla. They passed resolutions opposing Tim Eyman’s budget freeze Initiative 1033 and supporting passing Referendum 71. Both measures are on the November 3rd, 2009 ballot.

The No on 1033 resolution noted that the Democrats are firmly opposed to I-1033 and “encourages their members to educate voters about the potential consequences of I-1033 and to work to defeat it.”

You can see some of the other 180 plus organizations signed on to oppose I-1033 and learn what you can do to help by visiting the No on 1033 campaign website.

The Approve Referendum 71 resolution states that the Washington State Democrats endorse the Washington Families Standing Together Campaign and “urges approval of Referendum 71 in order to retain the domestic partnership law” passed by the Washington State Legislature.

To support the efforts to approve Referendum 71, you can visit the Approve Referendum 71 campaign website.

The Washington State Republican Party has voted previously to support I-1033 and oppose Referendum 71. They are pretty much alone in their position on Initiative 1033 as no other major groups have come out in support of I-1033

I-1033 proposes to freeze the budgets of the state and all 39 counties and 281 cities at the current recession level and use any revenue coming in above the current budget to pay property taxes rather than fund education or health care or any other public services. The big losers are renters which are 35% of households in the state whereas the winners would be large property owners, including corporations.